4G LTE Network in Bangladesh!!!!!

4G LTE Network in Bangladesh!!!!!

Hello readers,
Today I am going to discuss about 4G network .

What is 4G LTE?

4G means 4th Generation and LTE means Long Term Evolution.

Every one has heard that from 21st February 2018 4G network has launched in Bangladesh. All the phone companies except Teletalk has started providing 4G network in various places in Bangladesh. It will take some time to cover all Bangladesh.

Why do we need 4G network?

4G network will give us high speed data transfer for phones and other devices. It will give us high speed download ( 4 to 5 times faster than 3G networks). Wherever is 4G coverage, with any 4G sim and 4G compatible handset we will beableto watch videos without any buffering, we can download our big files within very short time.

All the Telecommunication companies are offering 4G network except Teletalk. So let’s be ready for 4G networks.
You need to swap your 3G sim card to 4G sim. At the same time you need a 4G compatible handset.

In my next post I am going to show you some low price 4G compatible handsets.

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